THIRROUL JFC - Juniors - Women - Men - ONE CLUB

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PO Box 302
Thirroul, NSW, 2515

Thirroul Junior Football Club has more than 400 juniors in teams from Under 6s to Under 18s. The club's aim is to foster football by creating an environment for our Thunderbolts players where success is judged - not by winning - but by having fun, improving skills and participating in a club that is active within the community.

Thunderbirds WYL Division 2

Thirroul Thunderbirds WYL Division 2


Thirroul has been competing in the Football South Coast's women's competition since 2001 and is the biggest women's club, with five teams in 2019, including two WYL teams. A high point in the Thunderbirds' history was making the 2014 Division 1 grand final, while the club won the Division 3 League Championship in 2015 and were WYL League and Grand Champions in 2018. The club has represented FSC in the U21s Champion of Champions in 2016, 2017 and 2018, qualifying for the final in 2016 and 2017.

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Division One Links