THIRROUL JFC - Juniors - Women - Men - ONE CLUB

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PO Box 302
Thirroul, NSW, 2515

Thirroul Junior Football Club has more than 400 juniors in teams from Under 6s to Under 18s. The club's aim is to foster football by creating an environment for our Thunderbolts players where success is judged - not by winning - but by having fun, improving skills and participating in a club that is active within the community.

Club Titles

Club Titles

The emphasis at Thirroul JFC is always on providing all players with a safe, skills-based playing environment, where success is judged - not by winning - but by having fun, improving skills and participating in a Team and a Club that is active within the Community. However, that doesn't mean we don't celebrate successes when they are achieved. As a start, from the club archives we have recent title winners. Over time as we dig deeper into the archives we will post other information relating to title and award winners. If you have any information about past title or award winners please contact the club.


Men's District League  -Reserve Grade          Grand Champions/League Champions

Under 17 Division 1                                            Grand Champions/League Champions

Under 16 Division 1                                            Grand Champions/League Champions

Under 14 Division 2                                            Grand Champions

Under 12 Division 3                                            Grand Champions


Men's District League                                        District League Club Champions

Women's Division 3                                            League Champions (the Club's first Women's Championship)

Under 15 Division 1                                             Grand Champions

Under 12 Division 3                                            Grand Champions


Men's District League                                         District League Club Champions

Men's District League - Reserve Grade            Grand Champions

Men's District League - Youth Grade                Grand Champions/League Champions

Under 16 Boys - 1st Division                               League Champions

Under 15 Boys - 3rd Division                              League Champions

Under 14 Boys - 1st Division                               Grand Champions


Men's District League                                            District League Club Champions

Men's District League - Youth Grade                  Grand Champions/League Champions

Under 18 Girls - 1st Division                                 Grand Champions

Under 17 Boys - 1st Division                                 Grand Champions/League Champions/Association Cup Winner

Under 15 Girls - 2nd Division                               Grand Champions


Men's District League - Youth Grade                    League Champions

Men's District League - Reserve Grade                League Champions

Under 16 Boys - 2nd Division                                League Champions/Grand Champions

Under 17 Girls - 1st Division                                   League Champions/Grand Champions/Association Cup Winners


Men's District League - Reserve Grade                Grand Champions

U13 Boys - 4th Division                                           League Champions

U17 Girls - 2nd Division                                           Grand Champions


U11 - 4th Division                                                      League Champions/Grand Champions

U12 - 2nd Division                                                    Grand Champions

U18 Girls - 1st Division                                             Grand Champions


U10 - 5th Division                                                     League Champions

U12 - 4th Division                                                     Grand Champions

U14 - 2nd Division                                                    League Champions

U15 - 3rd Division                                                    Grand Champions

U15 Girls - 2nd Division                                           League Champions/Grand Champions

U16 - 2nd Division                                                    League Champions


U11 - 2nd Division                                                      League Champions/Grand Champions


U15 Girls - Blue                                                           Gala Day Winners

U18 - 1st Division                                                        League Champions/Grand Champions


U11 - 4th Division                                                        League Winners

U12 - 3rd Division                                                        League Winners

U13 - 2nd Division                                                       League Winners


U11 - 5th Division                                                          League Winners/Grand Champions


U18 Girls                                                                         League Winners/Grand Champions


U10s                                                                                 Gala Day Winners

U10 - 1st Division                                                            League Winners/Grand Champions

U11 - 5th Division                                                            Grand Champions

U15 - 3rd Division                                                           League Winners/Grand Champions


U17/18 Girls                                                                      Gala Day Winners


U11 - 2nd Division                                                            Cup Winners

U16 Girls                                                                           League Winners/Cup Winners


U14 - 2nd Division                                                           League Winners


U15 - 1st Division                                                              League Champions


U11 - 4th Division                                                              Cup Champions


U11                                                                                      League Champions


U12A                                                                             Minor Premiers

U12B                                                                             Times Cup/Luscombe Shield


Thirroul Bluebells                                                       Gardiner Cup


If you have further details, want to make a correction or can provide information, please email: