THIRROUL JFC - Juniors - Women - Men - ONE CLUB

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PO Box 302
Thirroul, NSW, 2515

Thirroul Junior Football Club has more than 400 juniors in teams from Under 6s to Under 18s. The club's aim is to foster football by creating an environment for our Thunderbolts players where success is judged - not by winning - but by having fun, improving skills and participating in a club that is active within the community.

Coaching Links

Football Federation Australia has online training sessions for all ages.

Football South Coast has an online Coaching Handbook for coaching players aged 5-9 years old

Football South Coast has an online Coaching Handbook for coaching players aged 9-13 years old

Better Soccer Coaching offers skills, drills, tips and advice on coaching as well as free e-books and a magazine, Soccer Coach Weekly, you can subscribe to. 

World Class Coaching has free e-books and articles on tactics and training drills, as well videos and books to buy. You can sign up for a free weekly newsletter. 

Footy4Kids is a UK-based website with free articles, tips and session plans for coaching junior teams.